Monday, November 29, 2010

Southern Ice Tea and Wedding Rings

I’m beginning this blog on a high! I figure that might be the best way to start since most people write blogs to moan and groan about life.... but I have a private journal for that ;)

Southern Ice Tea and Wedding Rings:
This one is for Alex Flores, soon to be Alex Billings! So PROUD!

Back in 2005 I joined a lovely group of woman at Mercer University known as the Chi Omegas. I found not only the best friends a girl could ever ask for but I also found a family, hope, joy and well, you guessed it BRIDES MAIDS! (No I’m not engaged nor am anywhere near being there but its good to know what you have before you get there... or so I’m told). Most of what I walked away with came from three wonderful women; Meredith Manning, Alex Flores and Whitney Harden. Its true they will all be a part of my big day (if it ever comes) but the best part of them all is that even if it never happens I have some of the greatest friends a woman could ask for, which many are without.

 Anyway! My lovely sister Alex asked me to be a part of her big day while driving back home from Macon one dark night, and yes I cried, and said yes! Then after all the tears and excitement I informed her (after watching many hours of "Say yes to the dress", "Bridezilla" and "Cake Wars") that there are five things you must have when planning a wedding in order to have smooth sailing:

1. The Date
2. The Place
3. The Dress
4. The Colors
5. And the Food

After that, you have all you need in order to plan a great PARTY! I’m pretty sure we are 3 for 5 on this list as of late!

You may ask yourself why I know this, or even why do I care? Well as far back as I can remember, I have wanted to get married. Yes that is a very Southern and old-fashion way to think but it’s me, and since Im not going to be planning mine anytime soon I felt the needed to pass on what I had learned from the good people at TLC, to my sister.

< Insert: Now before you condem me for my craxy notions I was raised to believe that I can do anything, be anyone, go anywhere... but I was also raised to believe that the most important part of life is family; and what better way to have one than to get hitched! (And no please God no shotguns needed) >

I have watched my fair share of Wedding shows, bought many a wedding books to sift through and even had a tradition with my big sister Meredith who involved, fancy dresses, wedding magazines and the O-So-Amazing Movie "The Wedding Date"! I even have a box filled with things I would love to have if and when I ever get to that point in life. Yes you may think that’s childish, silly or even a little on the psychotic side of life, but it’s me. I am a southern girl, full of southern ideals and dreams... but I’m not truly crazy because just as ever southern lady knows, the best part about being in a wedding is:  you get to wear pretty things, see people you haven’t seen in years, eat great food (and if you’re lucky its southern cookin) and last but not least PLAN NOTHING! So my wedding can wait as long as it feels the need to!

So I say this in all seriousness... I cannot wait for the Flores / Billings Wedding because it will be filled with Southern Ice Tea and Wedding Rings, two things that are both sweet and essential!

BTW: if you have any more wedding advice for Alex Please feel free to add it! All is welcome, as long as its positive!


  1. I love you and I am so blessed to be your sister! Thanks for standing by us on our big day.
